The readiness of students and teachers to evacuate in case of fire was checked in Kostanay construction College. About a thousand people took part in the annual training session.

Object trainings are the most perfect form of training of educational institution for actions in the conditions of emergency situations of peace and war time. When carrying out object trainings the practical actions provided by “the action Plan for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations” are carried out, the main attention during training is paid to practical working off of receptions and ways of protection of trained and staff of College at occurrence of emergency both technogenic, and natural character.

On October 8, Kostanay construction College organized and conducted such exercises, the main task of which is to ensure reliable protection of students, teachers and staff in emergency situations of peace and war. Within the framework of the event, an exhibition “Individual means of protection”, an exercise were organized. The training was attended by UCS engineer senior Lieutenant of civil protection Mukan Bakhtiar, who praised the preparation and conduct of the exercise. The staff of the GU Branch of the “center of disaster medicine” at the Ministry of internal Affairs of Kazakhstan showed students the rules of first aid.  The training was attended by more than 800 people: students of 1-3 courses, teachers and staff of the College.

Such actions allow to reveal shortcomings, to think over any moments, and also help the state structures in the conditions approached to real-to inform.