September 16, 2019, in the framework of the program “Rouhani Gair” – “Kitap – Bilim bylagy”, the first-year students of group № 355 ARCH-1, curator Zakatova S. B. and group No. 356 D-1, curator Karev T. I., under the direction of the head. library Velgosha G. V. attended the event, prepared by Regional youth library n.a. I. Altynsarin.
September 22, our country celebrates the holiday-the day of languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan, this event was dedicated to the information dossier “Living soul of the people”, prepared by the library staff. The purpose of the event was to instill interest in the cultural heritage of the peoples living in Kazakhstan.
The host of the event, librarian Khomenko Ekaterina Igorevna told the students about the history of the holiday, that the language is the Golden bridge of friendship, it is an endless road that unites everyone today in this vast world. During the event, the children learned a lot of interesting facts about the history of the origin of languages. Ekaterina Igorevna noted that this year is dedicated to the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh poet, Abay Kunanbayev. During the event, a video clip was shown in which the library staff recite Abay’s poems in different languages.

Information dossier caused a lot of positive emotions among students, the guys took an active part in the quiz and willingly showed their knowledge in the field of oral art of the peoples of Kazakhstan.
During the event, the children once again realized that each language has its own history, its own destiny associated with the fate of other languages. Through language people find each other, communicate, learn to understand the spiritual culture and customs of other Nations. Nothing in the world is more closely connected with man than language.
Students liked the event very much, I think they will come to the library for books more than once.