In order to create conditions for self-improvement of pedagogical activity of young specialists, development of their creative abilities and active professional position on June 5, the College held a competition of professional skills “Pedagogical debut-2019”.
The Competition was attended by 9 young teachers.

During the Competition, teachers demonstrated: 

  • Creative self-presentation
  • Master class “Original beginning/end of the lesson”
  • Exhibition of educational and methodical products

At the end of the competition, the participants were awarded diplomas and prizes:
The GRAND Prix – the teacher of special disciplines Blazhko K. S.
1 place – teachers of special disciplines Golubchenko V. A., Filatova E. V.
2nd place – teacher of physical education krestinina L. S.
3 place – master of industrial training Penkin E. S.
Nominations awarded to teachers Salkhanova M. K., B. K. Konarbaeva, tertyshnik O. S., Sadykova A. J.

Congratulations to all participants of the contest!

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