As part of the work of the School of young teachers in College held a seminar “Organization of independent work of students in the classroom on the basis of the integration of the methodology of the COR ( BOPS)”.

If you decipher this abbreviation, you get the following: In – Bridging – in ,O – Outcome, P – Pre – assessment, P-Participatory Learning.  P–Post-assessment, and S – Summary. Translated from English : building bridges, objectives and expected results, preliminary assessment, active training, post-assessment, and conclusion.

Young teachers of special disciplines tertyshnik Olga Sergeevna and Filatova Elena Vladimirovna passed advanced training courses at JSC “holding “Kasipkor” Center of professional education and shared the acquired knowledge during the training workshop.   After the theoretical part with young teachers organized independent work with the use of cor TECHNOLOGY.    Each microgroup built a model of the house and presented its work in English.

The future of technology – for teachers of the new format and the knowledge gained on the technology of the cor YOUNG professionals intend to use in their classes.