In Kostanay construction College from April 01 to April 06, 2019, an open week of the CCP “construction and technical disciplines”was held. The purpose of the events of the subject week is to improve the professional level in the field of the main aspects of the process of organizing and conducting extracurricular activities and open lessons using a variety of teaching methods, the development of students ‘ interest in the chosen profession, the formation of professional orientation of their personality.

The action plan was drawn up and discussed by the teachers at the meeting of the CCP

In CCP construction technology consists of 18 teachers. The week was held in the fruitful cooperation of teachers of the subject-cycle Commission.

Every day of the subject week was accompanied by activities of teachers and students of construction and technical specialties.  The week opened with a presentation on the composition and work of the academic staff of the CCP construction and technical disciplines and a presentation on “Best profession Builder”, performed by the teacher of the Resin N. In.. and demonstrated in the information kiosk.

On the first day of the week, a young teacher Blazhko K. S. held an open lesson on the subject: “Special technology” in the group № 339 K-1, students of the “Program of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship”. The teacher, using a variety of activities, introduced students to the technology of installation of single-layer frame cladding C625. In the lesson, the students were plan on mounting technology, and filled the table when watching video resource center KNAUF, answered questions on “jeopardy” when mounted and performed internal control when evaluating.

The second outdoor event on the first day was spent by the teachers: B. K. Konarbaeva, Orazalinov D. J., Tastemirova S. U. contest “Kurylys kөshbasshysy” sayisi on the subjects: “Geodesy”, “Technical mechanics”, “Karalar me arylamide konstrukcijas” and “Kurylys Materialdary”. In the intellectual game, students of group № 4 GKSP -2, studying in the state language, divided into 2 teams, competed in competitions for knowledge in the subjects: solved the problem of calculating the longitudinal forces, performed measurements on geodetic instruments, built models of frame and frameless buildings.  Between the contests were musical pause.

Extra-curricular activities “What? Where? When?”with the students of the group №321 -3 SETS held by teachers Smoleva N. In. Semenova, L. I., Game scholars consisted of questions on subjects “ORSK” and “Tion”. As in the television game spinning Yule and selected questions. The questions were answered by students from two teams.  In the game there were questions: “live pictures”, “warm-up”, “Domino”, “poetic duel”, “black box”, “video question”, “video dubbing”, “blitz tournament”. The participants were awarded with sweet prizes.

Within weeks of the CCP, the CCP teachers have prepared reports on the teaching of reading: “Innovation in construction”. The purpose of the pedagogical readings – to organize a productive dialogue of teachers aimed at finding methodological ideas and innovative technologies in the training of construction profile. The discussion was held in two directions: a Modern approach to the training of specialists in construction and technical profile and VIM technology: theory and practice. All teachers prepared presentations for their performance. According to the results of pedagogical readings were awarded teachers: 1st place – teacher Semenova Li, 2nd place teacher Smoleva N. In.,

3rd place – teacher Urazaldinova D. Zh., as well as in the category “Practical significance of the work” teacher agibaeva Z. K., in the category “Relevance of the work”- teacher Alinova D. R., in the category “Innovative nature of the work” -teacher Abenov M. A.. Reports of teachers from pedagogical readings will be included in the collection with the assignment of the international standard book number ISBN.

Extracurricular activities: “Culture of etiquette in Kostanay construction College” together with the students of groups № 324 MAOSH-3 and No. 337 computing and software-2 was prepared and conducted by teachers vahabova G. I. and Vasenkov I. A. At the event discussed the General rules prescribed in the internal regulations of the College. Participants of the event drew attention to speech etiquette, healthy lifestyle, requirements for appearance. Students staged situations of behavior and characterized typical mistakes and violations of internal regulations. The event was lively, cheerful, theatrical and positive.

Another extra-curricular intellectual game “Carbon monoxide” for the group technical Department No. 324 MAOSH-3 was prepared and conducted by teachers Alenova D. R. and M. Benov Schwa.. Competing in knowledge of special subjects: “Gas networks and installations” and “Operation of the equipment and systems of gas supply” students answered questions of a quiz, carried out inventory of the equipment and tools, carried out various type of a task.Participants of the event showed activity, creativity and creativity.

For weeks the CCP in the framework of vocational work of professional samples “journey into the world of building trades” among pupils of schools of Kostanay №7, №30, №23. The aim is to raise interest in the chosen profession and expand the technical and General Outlook of school students. Students of schools with interest in works with geodetic instruments, studied under the guidance of the teacher Ishchenko G. A. and experts from among students of group No. 332 SEZS-2 Orynbayeva A., Pak A., Sheludko D. to make the simplest measurements on excess between points of a level and measurement of a horizontal angle theodolite. Intellectual warm-up was held with students teacher Pankratova L. L. It includes tasks to calculate the area of the facade for painting, a selection of homonyms, collecting dominoes and solving puzzles. As a result of the competition in the intellectual warm-up, school students received letters of thanks and prizes: 1st place – students of school № 23, 2nd place-students of school №30, 3rd place – students of school № 7.

And again, the event for teachers of CCP – master class “Complex profiles Agshi Cad” In the software prepared and conducted by a young teacher Bezgan D. Yu. Throughout the lesson, teachers on computers met and learned to create complex profiles in rectangular walls, columns, beams. We demonstrated the creation of standard complex profiles and studied the real case of their application. Performed as a fastening template architectural cornice using a magic wand. With a philosophical approach with the famous words of Socrates “I know that I know nothing” teacher Bezhan D. U. started and completed my master class for teachers.

And where is creativity? Throughout the week, the CCP, students of groups of the construction Department performed creative tasks, which consisted of a presentation contest: “I went to the builders…” and “Modern building materials” and a poster contest “My profession is a Builder.”  Students of all groups took an active part in competitions and presented interesting and relevant works. At the end of the week students defended their creative works. The jury objectively evaluated the performances of each group and summed up the results of the last event.

In the competition “My profession – Builder” 1st place was taken by students of group №332 SEZS-2, 2nd place – group № 339 CM-1, 3rd place – group № 3GKSP-3.

In the competition “I went to the builders…” 1st place was taken by students of group № 4 GKSP-2, 2nd place – group №5 GKSP -1, 3rd place – group № 332SEZS-2.

In the competition “Modern materials” won one group 1st place -№5 GKSP -1.