In Kostanay construction College from March 11 to March 16 was a subject week of CCP languages and literature.

March 11.

The opening of the week was organized in the form of the organization of national games at recess, such as togyzkumalak, chess, checkers, as well as a game of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. This event was attended by everyone who won small prizes for the victory.

11 March group 343 ARCH-1 teacher of Russian language Myrzakhmet A. J. was conducted extracurricular activities on the theme: “the Great Russian language”. The purpose of the event: to focus students ‘ attention on the need to speak and write correctly. Objectives: repetition of previously studied material, education of pride in the Russian cultural heritage, love for the native language and the language of international communication, group skills, creativity, mental activity. The guys took an active part. During the quiz, the children had to perform various tasks in the Russian language related to both grammar and vocabulary.

March 12.

Batyrhanov G. B. held an open lesson in group 329 Architect -2 professional foreign language on the theme: “Athens”. The work in the group was carried out in 2 groups, where students could evaluate their own work, as they were given self-assessment cards.

The purpose of the lesson was to develop the skills of reading, speaking, writing and listening. The lesson began with a phonetic exercise, then the students watched the presentation, solved the puzzle, got acquainted with new words, read and translated the text, then performed both oral and written exercises. Students were interested in this topic, took an active part in the assignments. At the end of the lesson, the task of reflection was performed, which showed their understanding of the topic.

March 12, 2019 in Kostanay construction College held a competition “Kosh keldin, Nauryz”.Students took an active part in this event. Different opinions were presented during the competition.  In short, the audience thus raise the mood and began to celebrate the occasion. Such events will continue.

March 13.

Myrzakhmet J. A. held an open lesson in group 343 ARCH-1 topic: Types of speech. Educational and scientific genres of speech. The lesson was held in the form of a game, the guys took an active part. The children performed: explanatory dictation, dictionary work, creative work, work with the text, asked each other questions, there was a group work.

The objectives of the lesson were:

  • to form spelling and speech literacy.
  • Develop students ‘speech, communication skills, develop students’ mental abilities.
  • Nurturing a love for language, to bring attention to the language through text.

During the week, teachers of the Kazakh language and literature held a dictation on the Kazakh language in Latin. The event was attended by College students and teachers of the Kazakh language. A total of 40 students and 6 teachers took part. “Excellent” wrote the dictation 32.

Emotional and lively event quest in English “In search of the secrets of Holmes’s” teachers of Erdenova L. N. Batyrkanova G. B., T. A. Turkestanova the game was attended by students of groups 341 computing and software, SETS 332, 344 D.

Guys throughout the quest performed tasks, looking for clues, showed erudition and creativity.

March 14

Naskeeva A. T. held an open lesson in gr.320 D-3, on “Ulttyk kiimder”. During the lesson, students worked in groups, performed creative tasks, talked about the elements of the Kazakh national dress. Additional material about famous fashion designers in Kazakhstan was also prepared. At the lesson, students actively participated in all tasks.

March 15 in Barbarian A.M. in group 331 D-2 . held an open lesson in literature on “M. A. Sholokhov” Quiet don»

In the classroom, students studied the life and work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov , his first work, which brought him fame.

The lesson used to work in groups where students perform creative tasks, showing their talents.

During the lesson was carried out constant monitoring of students.

Students demonstrated good knowledge, interest in obtaining new knowledge.

At the end of the week, March 15 in the walls of our College was held an event “tea of Friendship”, dedicated to the holiday of Nauryz. Having United in groups, students together with teachers presented the Kazakh, Tatar, Russian, Uzbek tea ceremony.  The competition consisted of 3 stages: fashion show in national costumes, showing the national rite or custom, folk dances and the tea ceremony itself. Each Department presented its nationality very clearly, taking into account all the features and subtleties of its people.