Students of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures”, “Architecture” took part in the Republican Olympiad. K. Satpayev on technical disciplines, organized by the intellectual center “Urker mitec”, Astana.

The Olympiad is dedicated to the outstanding scientist – doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, Professor, academician, founder and first President of the national Academy of Sciences Kanysh Satpayev. In addition to a huge contribution to the science of Kazakhstan, K. I. Satpayev had a significant impact on the development of culture and the study of history.

The Olympiad was held in order to identify the quality of training of graduates, consolidate and deepen the knowledge and skills gained in the process of theoretical and practical training, stimulate creative growth, identify the most gifted and talented students.

Just the competition was attended by 127 students of the College: the construction Department of 55 people; students studying for construction technicians, the state language is 28, the Department of architecture-44 students.

According to the results of the Olympiad winners and the winners are:

Student’s name Group Head Result
1 Del Danil Vladimirovich 328 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 1 place
2 Galuza Veronica Anatolyevna 319 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 2nd place
3 Tagenova Aida Talgatovna 332 SETS-2 Tastemirova S. U. 2nd place
4 Bordachev Vladislav Vyacheslavovich 321 SETS-3 Semenova, L. I. 3rd place
5 Eremeev Anwar Toleuovich 328 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place
6 Baryshev Vitaly Ivanovich 328 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place
7 Imanov Daniyar Orazbekovich 319 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place
8 Gapich Alina Yur’evna 332 SETS-2 Semenova, L. I. 3rd place
9 Mahunka Vladislav Olegovich 321 SETS-3 Semenova, L. I. 3rd place
10 Musabayev Arthur Vladimirovich 310 SETS-4 Bezhan D. Yu. 3rd place
11 Aisina Ezel Bogdanovna 319 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place
12 Klokov Vladislav Evgenievich 330 ARCH-2 Budakova L. V. 3rd place
13 Kolesnikov Danil Aleksandrovich 328 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place
14 Lapshina Anastasia Vyacheslavovna 319 ARCH-3 Utepova S. K. 3rd place

All participants received personal certificates. Participants of the Olympiad, who took 1, 2, 3 places in the Olympiad, were awarded Diplomas of I, II, III degrees, respectively. Participants, who took 4th and 5th places, were awarded with Diplomas of Construction College, as an educational organization with a large number of participants, was awarded the Cup named after K. Satpayev.