2.02.2019 years at the technical Department of Kostanay construction College, passed professional tests with students of school № 4. The guys had a tour of the College. During the excursions, teachers and masters of industrial training introduced students to the material base, equipment classrooms, workshops, gym, fitness center, demonstrated the possibility of educational processes and production technologies.  Then was held a master class on the topic “Network technologies”, 4th year students of specialty computer hardware and software to Karimov Safaricom and Kanapianova Maksat. The teacher of special disciplines Salkhanova Meruert Kabdullaevna held an interesting event “acquaintance with the profession programmer”. The guys really liked it.  In continuation of the meeting in the auditorium showed a promotional video, the Director of the College made information about the College, offering to choose one of our specialties in the future. The students were offered a concert program prepared by the KVN team, vocal and instrumental group, Amateur performers. We hope that visiting the College will help students to make a conscious choice in the future to continue their studies. At the end of the event, students were given information booklets about our College.