At present, the situation of childhood development has changed dramatically all over the world. Tense social, economic, demographic, environmental problems cause the growth of negative trends in the formation of the personality of the younger generation. Among them, special concern is caused by the progressive alienation, increased anxiety, spiritual disorientation of children, the increase in their cruelty, aggressiveness, potential conflict. These trends are most pronounced in adolescence. Adolescence is a “third world” that exists between childhood and adulthood.

However, moving from the children’s world to the adult, the teenager does not belong completely to either one or the other. The specificity of his social situation and life world is manifested in the psyche, which is typical of internal contradictions, uncertainty of the level of claims, increased shyness and at the same time aggressiveness, conflict, tendency to take extreme positions and points of view.

In this regard, the College psychologist Bulegenova N. E. held a series of complex games and trainings for students of 1-2 courses of Kostanay construction College. The total coverage was 340 adolescents.

The aim of the training was to teach adolescents effective and harmonious interaction with others: peers, parents, themselves and reduce the level of conflict and hostile reactions of adolescents.

  At the beginning of the training sessions, the children were motivated to work, when discussing classes, many of the group said that they had not thought about how important it is to communicate properly, to be able to get out of conflicts. ” We would like to change, to learn to communicate without quarrels and disputes ” – such words could be heard from teenagers.

Teenagers studied features and styles of behavior in a conflict situation, with the help of role-playing games learned to get out of conflicts.

The guys really liked the exercise “Rumor”, “change of accents”. And exercises “Rain”, “Friendly palm” helped the guys to work in a team, they learned a lot about each other, found common features that unite them. When discussing classes teenagers suggested that the common features unite us in one team, and the differences make unique and unique in comparison with others.