23 January 2019, in the framework of the “Rouhani Gair” – “Kitap – Bilim bylagy”, second-year students of groups № 332 SESS-2, NO. 334 K-2 under the supervision of curators Nicolai E. V., Ishchenko G. A. and head. library Velgosha G. V. visited the event Regional youth library. I. Altynsarin.

The event was dedicated to the book of the writer, literary critic, scientist Nemat Kelimbetov “I do not want to lose hope”. The librarian Danuk Irina Vyacheslavovna, introduced the book exhibition “Art heritage of N. Kelimbetov”.

The monologue novel “I do not want to lose hope” is based on real events experienced by the writer. Chained to a wheelchair, Nemat Kelimbetov with incredible perseverance worked fine, desperately fighting for life. With him always was his favorite Kuanysh-Zheng. She gave all her life energy to put her husband on his feet, to give him faith in himself. Attention of students was offered and book trailer-piercing video on the book.

Irina Vyacheslavovna introduced children to the rules of using the library, conducted a tour of the reading room, subscription and presented new book exhibitions, and invited students to become active readers of the library, often come to visit.

Students liked the event very much, I think they will come to the library for books more than once.