Category: Новости

Слет «Жас әскер»

20-21 September 2016 on the basis of military unit 6697 of Kostanay was conducted the regional meeting “Jas ASKER” military-patriotic clubs, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of this event was the formation of the younger generation of deep feelings of Kazakhstan patriotism and loyalty to civic […]

Родительское собрание

In Kostanay College building on September 24, 2016 passed general college meeting. The meeting was attended by 134 parents, first-year students. Director of the College Shamshin A. Zh. informed parents about activities and directions of college work. Analysis of the state of juvenile delinquency for college 2015-2016god made deputy director of educational work Inertbaeva.G.S. Senior […]

“Шоу талантов”

“Talent Show” event is passed as a part of the Kostanay construction  College on September 21, 2016. Its objectives were to identify new talents, realizing the potential of creative abilities of freshmen, the development of the performing capacity of participants to contribute to the convergence of students through joint participation in the contest. Of the […]

WorldSkills Казахстан – 2016

In the period from 12 to 15 September 2016 year in Astana held a national championship under the World Skills movement. World Skills movement is aimed at enhancing the prestige of working professions. The championship was held on the 15 competencies. Student groups 309 SM-2 Cheremisov Sergey actively participated and represented the competence of “dry […]

Встреча с руководителем ТОО “KostanaySoft”

September 16, 2016 in the auditorium of Kostanay Construction College held a meeting with the students of specialty “Computer Hardware & Software» I-III courses with the  head of «Kostanay Soft» LLP Dimuhametovym Oleg Rashidovich. «Kostanay Soft” The company is one of the leading developers of software Kazakhstan, operates in the market of information services in […]

Фестиваль здоровья

September 10, 2016 in the “Festival of Health” held competitions in 3 types of sports among students of 1-2 courses: Basketball-blitz (1st course by groups) responsible Mukhambetov K.J. Football championship among college offices (2nd year), responsible Salmagambetov T.N. Athletics Cross at 1000m distance. Girl, 2000m. Boys (1st year), responsible Bragin V.I. As mass entertainment Baimukhanov […]

Производственная профессиональная практика

Practical training – one of the main areas of professional formation of the future experts – graduates of “Kostanay construction college” On September 1, 2016 students of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” group 302 SEZS-3; 308 SEZS-2s; 1 SEZS-2s undergo practical training for a profession working at the largest enterprises in […]

День знаний

September 1 Kostanay Construction College opened its doors to hundreds of boys and girls. On this day, traditionally in the walls of the college passed the Day of Knowledge, which began with a solemn line. With congratulatory speech was made by the director of the college Shamshin  A. Zh., who wished the children success in […]