Category: Новости

Интернет-конкурс «Волшебная лепка»

National Training Center of additional education held Republican remote Internet competition “Magic modeling” among organizations of preschool, general secondary and secondary education from 1 August to 28 October 2016. The competition was held in order to involve students in creative activities, identify and support gifted children, stimulate their cognitive interests. The total of 507 jobs […]

Религиоведение от А до Я

October 20, 2016 the team of Kostanay Construction College, formed from students gr.№314 UA-2 (Vinyarskaya V. Galeeva L. Mamotenko A., E. Hefele, Turganova D., as a support group Kulkova A., Lysenko I.) and the head of Musina L.M., participated in the regional competition “religion from A to Z”, organized by the Office of Religious Affairs […]

Соревнования по футболу «Золотая осень 2016»

From 19 to 21 October 2016 in the Kostanay Construction College was held Football competitions on “Golden Autumn 2016”. The tournament was attended by teams of architectural, technical, construction offices and team remote offices and accounting, students are enrolled in the state program “Serpіn- 2050”. Games were held in a circular system. The team consists […]

Ночь в колледже

October 22, 2016 in our college for the first time held an interesting event “Night at the college.” The main idea was to bring together students of all courses in the team of the student council. During the event children were cognitive training that helped them reach their potential. Began “Night at the College” with […]

Областной конкурс декоративно–прикладного творчества «Жас дарын»

October 24, 2016 on the basis of Kostanay Construction College held an exhibition of entries, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional contest of decorative and applied arts “Zhas Daryn” among pupils of children’s art schools, art schools and further education institutions dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of […]

Предметная неделя ПЦК естественно-математических дисциплин

From 17 to 22 October at the college was held a week substantive CCP natural and mathematical sciences. The aim of the week was to increase interest in cognitive science and math cycle, development of personality traits like sociability, logical thinking, ingenuity, intuition, knowledge, independence of judgment, persistence in achieving the goal. All activities are […]

Семинар «Костанай – мой любимый край»

October 19 on the basis of SI “Centralized Library System of the department of culture and languages development of Kostanay akimat” J.V. “Uzkokoleinoy” seminar “Kostanay – my beloved land” devoted to the 80th anniversary of the Kostanay region. This event was attended by student Daniel Danovski c. 311 VTiPO-2, together with the head of Seychanova […]