Category: Новости


“MISS KOSTANAY-2016” has become a 17-year CHRISTIANA SHLIMMER. The final closing of the contest “Miss Kostanay – 2016” was held on 13 November. In the competition the top 20 girls competed for the title of the most beautiful resident of Kostanay. The winner of the crown was the 2nd year student of group 315 Architecture […]

Серпін 2050 бағдарламасы аясындағы колледждер арасында өткізілген ісшара

According to the social project “el Mangilik zhastary -industriyaғa!” – “Serpіn 2050” for the realization of increasing the competitiveness of young people in education and in the area of skills, industrial training college on November 1 to October 31 held a Festival “Alaman-2016” In this festival took part construction college. The main objective of the […]

«Что значит быть успешным»

November 10 in the Kostanay Construction College organized and held a round table “What does it mean to be successful.” The roundtable was attended by members of the leadership of the asset, the curators. The event is organized with the purpose of formation of students’ motivation of success, creating the possibility of assessing their personal […]

Лето – солнечное счастье, осень – школьная пора…

Students of the architectural and technical departments took part in the competition of English remote “summer – sunny happiness, fall – school time …”, conducted by the educational-methodical center «New Opportunities», Astana. In order to think creatively about this time of year as the summer, the ability to see and capture interesting, in the opinion […]

Методический семинар в рамках работы областного учебно-методического объединения

In order to create the conditions for effective exchange of experience in the implementation of new approaches to teaching and learning on October 31 held methodical seminar in the framework of the regional educational-methodical association (hereinafter OMO) methodologists, deputy director for scientific and methodical work on the basis of Kostanay pedagogical college. The organizers are […]

Наследие Великого педагога

October 29, 2016 on the basis of Rudny socio-humanitarian College hosted the Regional scientific-practical conference devoted to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh teacher and educator, writer, folklorist, social activist, ethnographer-scholar, founder of the national education system, the founder of vocational education in Kazakhstan Ibrai Altynsarin. The organizers of the Conference are the SI […]

Совещание преподавателей

November 2, 2016 in the building college teachers held a meeting of the creative team for the implementation of multilingual education programs. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Sultanova G.E. acquainted teachers with the composition of the working groups and the rules of operation for a year and November, as well as with the requirements in […]

Проект «Инфоурок»

The project “Infolesson” gave a start to the autumn season, the most popular international distance competition in 2016 for the 28 subjects of the school program. Students are expected again a fascinating journey into the world of intellectual adventures and victories. In these competitions annually participate college students. Under the guidance of the teacher of […]