Category: Новости

Молодежный кадровый резерв-2016

The peculiarity of the project “Youth personnel reserve” is its focus on identifying and nurturing promising staff. The project helps to create the necessary conditions for the acquisition of new knowledge and self-improvement. From 2009 to 2015 the project was attended by more than 13,000 young people, of which 404 people have passed the open […]

Кубок Костанайского строительного колледжа по баскетболу

November 24, 2016 was held drawing Cup of Kostanay Construction College between Youth colleges of Kostanay. At the tournament participated such teams: Kostanay College of motor transport, Kostanay Industrial College, Kostanay feasibility and Kostanay College Construction College. Chief referee Mukhambetov Kanat, a senior judge on the court, the judge of the national category Raschauskas Vladislav. […]

Анализ прохождения практик

Professional practice is an essential component of the educational program.  The results of the passage of professional practices were discussed at the round table “Analysis of practice” with participation of heads of practice groups 302 SEZS-3, 308 SEZS-2s, 1 SEZS-2s, 292 VTiPO-4, 294 MEOSG-4, 290 SECS-4, 303 SEZS-3c. During the discussion were the issues of […]

Финал лиги КВН “Достар”

Вечером, 25 ноября в костанайском ДК «Мирас» прошел финал лиги КВН «Достар». В этом году в лиге участвовало 11 команд, в финале соревновались четыре: «Добрые люди» (Костанайский строительный колледж), «Кафе» (ЧелГУ), сборная лиги «Жайдарман» и команда «Соседнее село” (Сарыкольский район). Ребята играет в КВН всего лишь 2-3 года, им по 17-18 лет и участвовать в […]

Искусство тренинга

In order to familiarize and train young teachers practical methods and techniques used in the training sessions, as part of a young school teachers with beginning teachers held a training workshop. Together with the psychologist College Kinzyabulatova Nargul Erkebulanovna young teachers affected methods of interaction with teens: games and exercises to explore on group cohesion, […]

Турнир по стритболу

From 16 to 18 November 2016 on the basis of Kostanay College genservise Office of the city department of physical culture and sport was held streetball tournament among teams of youth colleges of Kostanay by age group who born 1999-2000 (8 colleges) and 1996-1998 (10 colleges). This tournament has attracted the attention of the strongest […]

Первенство колледжа по волейболу

From 16 to 19 November 2016 Kostanay construction College competition took place at the college championship in volleyball, in the framework of the 2nd Games, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition was attended by teams of 4 teams of girls and 4 teams of boys teams from […]

Дуальная система: эффективная форма подготовки профессионально-технических кадров

November 16, 2016 at the workshop of dry construction method took training workshop on the dual training. The seminar was attended by Deputy Director of the NRM T.N.Simikina, head of studies G.G.Safonova, head of the construction department E.U.Chikalova, masters of industrial training. The seminar addressed the issues and perspectives of the advantages of the dual […]

Неделя ПЦК строительных дисциплин

From 7 to 12 November 2016 was a week CCP construction disciplines. Goals of the subject of the week of activities – promotion of the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures”, the involvement of students in the educational process, the development of cognitive, creative activity of students and young teachers, to identify and […]

Интегрированный урок-конкурс

12.11.16 was integrated lesson competition in subjects “Technical mechanics” and “Building materials and products” on the topic: “A plane system of convergent forces and properties of building materials” in three languages. The competition consisted of 6 rounds. Group 310 SEZS-2 Students took an active part in this competition, perform different kinds of tasks, crossword puzzles, […]